Santana & Santana featuring Michelle Branch-- The Game of Love

This is another song supplied by my older brother, but whereas the last song I ripped onto my hard drive via CD, this song I'm pretty sure comes from him hook his external hard drive onto my laptop sometime last summer. I discovered this song during one of my rare forays into playing by album (I usually go by artist or genre, if I don't just shuffle the whole thing, which is much more interesting. I avoid album usually because my iPod has a little glitch where it lists everything called Hits, the Hits, or Greatest Hits about 50 times. Also for some reason it doesn't list Supertramp, ZZ Top, or 38 Special under the Artists list, so if I want to listen to one of those Albums is my only choice. Anyway.). I went to the bottom of the list of albums and found the inevitable heading of Unknown Album. About the first fifty tracks were sound effects for a video game that my little brother is making (and I really have no idea how they got on there), but towards the end of the 162 tracks was this little gem. I don't really listen to much Santana, considering them basically a stepping stone to Journey for Journey founders Neal Schonn and Gregg Rollie (Neal Schonn was only about 17 when he was with Santana as I remember, but he's the guitarist for Journey and the only member of the band to have been with it the whole time. Gregg Rollie was the original keyboardist and vocalist for Journey, as well as a talented songwriter, but he was lead singer for Santana before that, on Black Magic Woman and other notable tracks. As you can tell and anyone can tell you, I'm obsessed with Journey. :). Anyway, the guitar work of Carlos Santana is superb as usual, I really enjoy the accompanying horn section, really adds something to it. What I really like is when Michelle Branch's voice soars up and wails out that WHY, CRY, and whatever else she does with it. You'll be able to tell when you hear it.

The Game Of Love (Main/Radio Mix)
