Avenged Sevenfold--Warmness on the Soul(Album Version)

The other day I was driving up I15 to Bountiful, for a mini-surprise mission reunion (My name is Harrison, and I'm a recovering missionary--I mean returned missionary). Most unusually, I was listening to my iPod (My usual habit is to listen to the radio, that being my primary method of discovering new songs and groups--aside from Pandora. Actually, for a while I was in the habit of listening to CD's, just because radio in Logan is so sketchy. But before I can go back to that I need to reorganize my CD's. Another thing I've meant to get to all summer and never made it.). Anyway, only three tracks into my shuffle, I discovered this song:

I thought that that was the first time I'd heard it, but according to iTunes it had already played a few times. Well, I played it another five on that drive to be sure, before I moved on :) I enjoy the raspy vocals delivered in a range that's easy for me to sing along too (That's the same thing I can say about the Backstreet Boys 2005 Never Gone, song I don't remember, probably Incomplete. Somehow that song sounded a lot better in 2005, whichever it was I'm thinking of. I've checked the major singles. Praise the lord for youtube). The piano part is pretty, obviously. Most surprisingly, I never really thought I'd listen to an Avenged Sevenfold song, let alone put it on repeat. But I might have said the same thing, about metal not too long ago. For heaven's sake the other day I recall catching the groove of a Zach Hill song (A truly inconceivable achievement. For all his incomparably clean guitar work on Crazy Train for Ozzie Osborn, his solo album Astrological Traits is a mess of noise). There was even a time when I wasn't crazy about Journey and REO Speedwagon, a friend had to introduce me to them. Anyway, this is another song that came from my older brother transferring some music from his external hard drive to my laptop. Enjoy :) BTW I added another few listens while writing this blog

Warmness on the Soul
Warmness On The Soul
Warmness on the Soul
