Chicago--You're Not Alone

Okay, if any song was mistakenly omitted from FORYOU it was this one.  There are a number of songs there that this one could easily replace.  Easily.

Now--Story-time.  One thing that I've gotten out of the habit of that I would like to continue is the stories of how I came across the songs.  Admittedly, some of the time it's been because it's been part of an album or compilation that I already explained, but if I haven't completely lost track of everything, Chicago is a new one to the blog, if not to me.

Chicago, the second highest grossing American band (the Beach Boys are number one.  I much prefer Chicago personally--I like The Beach Boys, just not as much.  BTW the way I phrased that "second highest grossing band" may not be entirely correct.  Hopefully you can get what I mean).  Is that surprising to anyone?  I guess putting out over 30 albums helps out a bit.

Anyway (anyone else think I way over-use that word?), I remember my family had an old TAPE (remember those pre-1990 devices?  1990 being the year CD's came out, as I recall tapes survived for a number of years after that, and technically still do.  They just don't receive widespread distribution anymore) of Chicago 16.  Though it's been years since I've listened to it, I still expect to hear Get Away tacked on the end of Hard to Say I'm Sorry (Actually on Greatest Hits 1982-1989 it is there, which explains it).  Later, when I was getting into music more myself I got Greatest Hits 1982-1989.  Most likely I got it from the old Media Play in Orem.  If I'm not mistaken there's an FYE there now.

So that's part of my history with Chicago, just the ancient part and not the more recent bit.  Because, interestingly You're Not Alone is not on that compilation.  I got that song (and many more classic Chicago tunes--Make Me Smile anyone?) from Chicago Collector's Edition during an unexpected night run to Wal-Mart (who at USU ever does that anyway?) with friends.  It was a rather spontaneous purchase.  I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy many of those songs (some not so much.  Harry Truman, really?)

Anyway, You're Not Alone was on Chicago 19, and peaked at the #10 spot (yes I just spent some time going over the wikipedia page).  What I like most about the song is the guitar part (though it's certainly different than what would have been done with original guitarist Terry Kath), it's steady rhythm and frequent soaring parts that are nearly haunting.  I love the harmonies on the chorus.  As for the lyrics, well my favorite line is but the world's got troubles worse than you.

I think that's about it for the music, now for me.  Well, I'm inordinately happy (and surprised) to find myself in a theory class again (fingerboard theory), even if I'm scared to death because I know that dictation is part of the course.  I'm not sure if there's anything in music that could possibly be harder than that.  Anything else I've been inclined to include?  Not that occurs to me at the moment.  But I will include another preview of possible songs to expect:

Def Leppard--Stand Up  (wow amazon doesn't have this one as a single)
The Robert Cray Band--Smokin' Gun (that one is for the album.  no single on amazon again)
The Knack--My Sharona

As a final note, does anyone use Ping (that being the new iTunes social network for music)?  I ask because that's clearly what I should be getting into (like I need another social network), not this facebook nonsense.  Oh, and another BIG shoutout to my followers in Denmark!!
