
So, it's been a while since I've written here, but I do have a few things in mind so I'll give a little teaser about possible upcoming subjects.  Star Trek is a definite one coming up.  Possibility for some Van Halen.  I haven't forgotten this is a music blog, so I'll have some playlists worked up, hopefully.  Definitely one on Megan Whalen Turner, or really on her series I read this past week.  Margaret Peterson Haddix and her Shadow Children may come up as well, along with Edgar Eager and his Half Magic series.  Ray Bradbury and Fahrenheit 451 is on the table as well.  I hope you all had a absolutely wonderful Christmas and a great break.  I sure did, as you can tell I've been busy getting my entertainment fix, I won't even get into all the hours I put in watching the first two seasons of House, and even Dragonball.  I want to try out MacGvyer now too, after having tasted some this week at the plasma center.  Also, I love my job, though the break was definitely a welcome one.
