Another Pointless Wizzard List

I've been surfing the web like an insomniac lately. One particularly addicting website is google trends. It compares search rankings for whatever search term you enter (provided that it is a reasonably popular term.)

Here's a sample list. The units refer to how many times more popular the search term is than Janet Napolitano, i.e. Jerry Sloan is searched 7 times more often and Justin Bieber is searched 803 times more often, with some rounding errors (sorry about that).

Janet Napolitano 1
Brandon Sanderson 1
Bill OReilly 2
Kevin Kline 2
Leon Russell 3
Suzanne Collins 3
Stan Lee 5
Liam Gallagher 5
AnnaLynne McCord 5
Kellan Lutz 5
George W Bush 6
Stephen Colbert 7
Jerry Sloan 7
Debby Ryan 8
Hillary Clinton 9
Kevin Durant 9
David Archuleta 10
Rachel Maddow 10
Travie McCoy 12
Bill Maher 14
Jimmer Fredette 14
Robert Downey Jr 17
Jason Derulo 19
Lauren Conrad 20
Nick Jonas 26
Brett Favre 30
Marilyn Manson 31
Tom Hardy 34
Deadmau5 34
LeBron James 36
Christian Bale 39
Vanessa Hudgens 60
Mila Kunis 77
David Guetta 89
Demi Lovato 108
Taylor Swift 236
Miley Cyrus 253
Selena Gomez 288
Rihanna 496
Justin Bieber 803

Well, I started surfing google trends after reading some magazines for teen girls, that's why there are a lot of cheesy teen celebrities. Actually I don't remember who Mila Kunis or Kellan Lutz are... let me look it up...

Okay Kellan Lutz is famous for being in twilight movies, Mila Kunis is an actress but I probably wouldn't recognize her. So there you have it! Yes, Brandon Sanderson is searched somewhat more frequently on google than the homeland security secretary, but not by much.
