
So, as previously mentioned I really love Spider-Man, which when you think about it, is a strange way to open a post that is going to have nothing to do with Spider-Man.

I also love Batman. Batman is my favorite DC comics character (saying DC comics is completely redundant by the way. DC stands for Detective Comics. But I don't think it makes much sense left hanging like that. I could be referring to a shoe company for all anyone knows.). That said, I don't have much experience with Batman, at least not in comic form. Most of my Batman experience comes from the Animated Series, Batman/Superman, and Batman Beyond. I mean, I've seen all the movies, at least all the ones since Michael Keaton. I once saw a collection of old Batman movies at Smith's, but I've never seen them. But the four in that series, plus the two made since are what is usually thought of when referring to Batman movies. Anyway, I mentioned previously, that I'd read a Batman comic, last week or so. Now I've read some more!! Yay!!

The point is, the majority of what I know comes from the Animated Series. So I know about Nightwing, and Batgirl and whoever else, but I had no clue who someone like Oracle was. Fortunately, it wasn't too bad to figure out.

So, I picked up the three volumes of Batman Bruce Wayne: Fugitive from the library, as well as Batman Bruce Wayne: The Road Home. For some reason I felt they were all going to fit nicely in with the continuity of the volume I'd read previously, Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne. See, what had happened in that volume was that Batman had been blasted to the past by Darkseid, and was making his way back through time to the twenty-first century. The Justice League was trying to stop him because he was a ticking time bomb designed to destroy time, anyway, I'm not going to pretend like I can explain that whole convoluted plot line. So, I assumed that The Road Home would be the comic immediately following, and with a little research, I discovered that it is. Now I'm just trying to figure out where Bruce Wayne: Fugitive was supposed to fit in all this. I'm not sure how I thought it did, it's hard to keep my delusions straight now that I know that the Fugitive storyline was written eight years prior to the other two.

Fugitive was probably my favorite of the story lines, though I did like seeing Batman in the different time periods in The Return of Bruce Wayne. Basically, Bruce Wayne was jailed for killing his girlfriend (he was obviously framed right?), he breaks out of jail, and disavows being Bruce Wayne. There is no Bruce Wayne, only Batman. Anyway,I'm surprised that more wasn't made of Batman receiving the case files of his parents murder from the original detective on the case. I was sure that was the line the story would take after the first vollume, but instead it ran the course of clearing Bruce's name, and then finding out what happened to his bodyguard Sasha. I'm not sure if Batman knows who killed his parents in this particular continuity or what. Comics being what they are, that was probably saved for another arc if he didn't.

The Road Home was an interesting collection. After Batman returns to his own time, his team has been operating and growing without him, so he decides to secretly monitor and test them as the Insider. The story takes an interesting turn as the story becomes focused on an effort to save reporter Vicki Vales life.

All said and done, I enjoyed all the stories, except really for the original stories found in Batman Chronicles, of which I think I've only really read the first two volumes. Maybe?
