Remnants, Everworld, and the Worlds of K.A. Applegate

So, back in elementary school I was the biggest Animorphs fan there was. Like, this was probably my first manifestation of nerdiness (these days I have to try). I was obsessed. I think a part of me really thought if I focused hard enough I could morph and become an animorph. Me and my best friend Sam Cornell, yeah, we were big into that kinda stuff. Yeah, I loved Power Rangers (admittedly long after it was cool), BeatleBorgs, Digimon, all that stuff. Apparently I just really loved Saban. I still have the comic books I made back then. Granted, they were incredibly derivative of all that stuff, that and the video game Beyond Oasis.

Anyway, back to Animorphs. I loved, loved that series. If there is any one reason I'm into Science Fiction and Fantasy now, it goes back to that series.

But, there was a point where I just got sick of the series. Can you blame me? 54 books is a long time for a kid to stay focused. That's a lot of continuity. So, here's the thing. I always blamed my burnout on the series on the sheer length. But, truth be told, my disinterest began right about the time she started having her novels ghostwritten. So, I guess her actual writing style just really speaks to me. I can't really blame her for the ghostwriting, it was a long series, and those books came out very frequently, but still it just wasn't the same.

Why do I say that? Because I've been reading another series of hers that I only just recently discovered, Remnants. I've been really enjoying them. The basic premise, well, if you've seen Armageddon its kinda the same. Only instead of destroying the asteroid that's about to destroy the earth, they load up a space shuttle with 80 people and send them off to space. It's pretty cool stuff. I really like what she does with her science fiction (I consider Animorphs to be Sci Fi).

I've also been giving Everworld another shot. This is another K.A. Applegate series, that I was aware of before, but I never really finished because for some reason libraries seem to have something against actually carrying the full series (this actually seems to be a common issue for me. Indiana Jones, Remnants, Everworld, the whole series is never available). Basically I've decided to read the series despite the holes in the story that are inevitable from not reading every book. For example I read The Search for Senna, but next is Realm of the Reaper the fourth book. Oh well. It doesn't really matter.

So, I really like K.A. Applegate novels is what I'm trying to say I guess, but all these years later, I still can't bring myself to pick up Animorphs again.
