
Ghostbusters might be one of the finest movies ever made. Does anyone not like that movie?  That said, I don’t think I’ve seen that movie much since I was a kid. So having watched it just last week, I’ve gotta say, that movie has a lot of stuff I definitely did not catch as a kid. It’s one of those movies thats great because it’s good for kids and adults.

In another of my Wikipedia sessions I was looking up Ghostbusters. Did you know that there was another Ghostbusters cartoon in the 90s? I knew before about the old 80s one, The Real Ghostbusters, but I was totally in the dark about Extreme Ghostbusters, and I grew up watching cartoons in the 90s. Of course, growing up I never had cable, which is a probably a good thing considering how much TV I watch now, and I have no idea what channel it would have been on. Neither show is considered canon, though, if I remember correctly my favorite Spider-man Author J. Michael Straczynski (hate spelling that) was very involved in the 80s series, if only for a short time.

It seems in recent years I’ve seen the sequel much more often than the superior original, but with that said, it’s still a good movie. I haven’t seen it as recently as the other, so I can’t comment much on it. I am anticipating someday watching the two cartoon series. Oh, and I guess the chances of ever seeing a third movie is nill, since Bill Murray seemingly refuses point blank to even consider the possibility, though the rest of the cast seems to hyped to do it. If you want the third movie, apparently the game released in 2009 essentially functions as it.
