The Word Cloud

So, I'm somewhat technologically challenged. When the Wizzard did this he could save the images from wordle. When I tried I couldn't find a way to get a usable image out of it. So, I may have gone a little crazy about it . . . and these are all just links to see what I've done. Images would have been much easier of course.

This is the wordle of my blog.
This is the wordle of a story I started writing. A little concept I got that is kinda similar to Ender's Game. I suspect it came from a dream.
 Wordle: Low G Fighting
This comes from the story I wrote for the a.m. kindergarten I was working with. The Gooey Monster. one of the better, and more complete stories I've ever done.
 Wordle: The Gooey Monster
This is another concept story I was working on, probably from another dream. Incomplete as always, since I'm not sure where to take it. For some reason I decided to tie it in with my old elementary school comic projects, so the document is titled The Incredible Return of the Legendary Power Figures.
 Wordle: The Incredible Return of the Legendary Power Figures
This last one is from another concept story I started, a YA mystery novel. Again its very incomplete, mostly because I don't know where to go with it.
 Wordle: The Long Investigator
And that's all folks. I might do some more later, since some of my more complete storied aren't on here, specifically The Mountains of Mist, this story I wrote for some fifth grade girls a year and a half or so ago, and a dragon story.

I guess I did this to motivate myself to write more, so let's hope it works.
