The Raging Rampant Narcissist

I think that it’s impossible, at least for someone as academically oriented as I, to do something like blogging for so long without thinking about the craft or theory behind it. “But, Harsothehero,” you say, “You’re a terrible blogger. What could you possibly be able to tell us about good blogging practice?” To which I say, “Ouch. That cuts me deep man; that cuts me to the core.” But really, even if I don’t actually practice any of these techniques, I, a compulsive blog follower, follow enough blogs that I think I know what it takes to be good (and I can’t resist. It’s got what it takes). So, the remainder of this post is going to be filled with references and links to blogs that I think do things really, really well.

My favorite blog is, oddly enough, my cousin’s weight loss blog—can I say I was way disappointed when these posts stopped when she met her goal, but way excited when they returned, though now I’m not sure it can be called a proper weight loss blog anymore. What I like most about this blog is the consistency of it. She just posted as regularly as could be. It was like clockwork. Other blogs like Elise’s Pieces or Adventures of a DIY Mom—which apparently yesterday I stopped following—do a great job of this as well. Discipline, discipline is the thing. Err, I meant consistency. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!! Again, I mean consistency. If your readers know content is coming, they’ll keep coming back.

This brings me to my next point. Content!  What I mean by this is write not for the sake of writing, but because you have something to say—I think I’m particularly bad at this, since for me, honestly, writing is an end to itself. It’s like working at an elementary school. It’s just so awesome I’ll do it for free. I think I’ve gotten better at this. I was particularly bad when resurrecting this deal.

So, while I originally might have planned on simply listing my favorite blogs, which I still might do—this, btw, is me returning to this post at least a week after starting it—I think I’ll go through and say exactly why my blog isn’t actually all that great, despite what all you devoted followers apparently think.

Reason 1) Great blogs generate hits by joining blogging communities. Number of blogging communities I’ve joined? Zero.

Reason 2) Great blogs have great content. I think it goes without saying that I fail at this. Of course, I decided to say so anyway. Content? What content?

Reason 3) Great blogs have wonderful names. EPIC FAIL on my part. (If you wish to tell me a more fitting name for this place than DISCOVERY feel free to tell me) I’m not just talking about my main title either. Several of my post titles are, umm, dumb.

Reason 4) Consistency. Regular series. Junk like that. I obviously have none of that. I think I went over this well above.

But I’m okay with all that. Why? Because my absolute favorite blog breaks at least one of those rules. See? Of course, my other favorite blog is the complete opposite. But the real reason I’m okay with this, is because ultimately, blogging/writing for me is an end unto itself. I could care less whether you read this or not. I write this for myself, and if anyone else should happen to enjoy it, well, that’s just a bonus. (Notice how I basically said exactly that before. Not even basically. I said exactly that.)

What you learn from my blog today is that I’m a raging narcissist who doesn’t get enough attention and who compensates for this by blogging. So, basically, by reading this you are fueling my terrible personality disorder. Don’t you feel terrible? You should never come back. Ever. (ignore that this last paragraph totally contradicts the previous one entirely)
